The next day, after a restful night, we went to the ALOMAR Observatory in order to finish final tasks and put AND into operation. Arild assigned a LAN socket and a plug socket so we could switch on. Blinking lights and a steady buzzing noise confirmed the operational state. Konrad helped us from his warm and cozy office to check the functionalities and added final adjustments. Some SD-cards had to be changed, which wasn’t a major issue.
We were frequently asked about the stability of our installations, especially if the station is entirely wind proof. Arild and Ingrid remembered us that there will be some extraordinary stormy days. Thus, we decided to strengthen our construction by attaching more steel cables. In conclusion, we did our best and hope that our instruments will withstand the harsh Arctic environment.

A first test followed immediately. During our last day on Andøya, the wind speed rose and first roads had to be closed.

First signs of mental exhaustion could be instantaneously cured by high doses of custard!
Leaving the ALOMAR Observatory behind, Stephan and Kilian headed further north for their next task. Hornsund is calling!

Thank you Ingrid, thank you Arild, and thank you ALOMAR for your help and support!