After sending some photos to Germany and proudly presenting our first achievements, Konrad suggested a “minor” improvement. He proposed to move the sampler to the edge of the rooftop, in order to minimize influences of the building.
Still suffering from the rain of the last day, Stephan and Kilian dismounted the instrument and re-erected it in order to comply with Konrad’s perfectionistic wishes. That does it!
Arild helped us finding a new position and a way to fix the station at a slightly different ceiling. Benefiting from our previous experiences, the station was taking shape.

This time, the weather co-operated. In a time slot with minor rain, cable connections and adjustments inside the filter sampler could be finished.
Suddenly, while tidying up our workplace, a rainbow lit up in the sky. A sign of success? Feeling quite enlightened, we returned to the guesthouse.