… Stephan and Kilian crossed the Arctic Circle heading North in order to visit the Andøya Space Station. The fourth BLM-Station will be mounted on top of the ALOMAR Observatory.
At a first stopover we met Ingrid Hanssen, who warmly welcomed us and arranged a meeting for the next day, where we should realize how perfectly everything was already set up:)
In the next morning Arild Danielsen picked us up at the base station and we drove together to the Alomar Observatory, which is located on top of a coastal mountain at 376 m above sea level.

Arild introduced us to the facility and plans could be forged out. The shipped box containing the instruments was already located in the storage room, the railing on the rooftop looked promising to fix the devices and with more tips from Arild, nothing should stop us from start working… besides rain and cold windy weather. But not today! No Excuses! The next second we found ourselves standing on the rooftop being dressed in waterproof clothes and also being slightly overwhelmed with the speed of the events.
First success could be achieved. The filter sampler found a position and could be fixed windproof at the ceiling. It should not be the final position… But that is another story and shall be told another time.