Next stop was the Polish Polar Station at the Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen. A remote place being separated by a 15 hours boat trip from Longyearbyen. For this journey Tor and William supported the team, looking forward to collect additional water and snow samples. One last safety briefing and the equipment could be secured on the vessel called ‘Farm’. Everyone on board? There is no way back!
In the following hours, passing rough waves in a bumpy vessel challenged all of us. Our captain Stick Henningsen assured “it is like a normal day at the office”, which was hard to believe. Finally long hours at night and the steady sound of a low RPM diesel engine let us rock to sleep.

Waking up at at the final destination, there was one last task. All of the equipment had to be transported to our new home for the next two weeks. Luckily Stick Henningsen was well prepared with a crane on deck. Mariusz and Patrycja brought us safely to the shore.

It took some time to get used to solid ground again, so we decided to shift work to the next day. We enjoyed the first day meeting new friends and exploring the nearby landscape!