New year, new campaign – we promised to be back. The 2022 campaign will be much smaller than the one in 2021 without most of our cooperating colleagues. And, this time, it will be focused on southern Iceland. More precisely, on Mýrdalssandur, a place from which Thomas and Konrad had collected samples last year.
This year’s team are Kerstin, Luis, Thomas, Demetrius and Konrad, from TU Darmstadt and FU Berlin. And of course, our local cooperation partners from LBHÍ.

After settling down in Hrífunes, close to our measurement area, first exploration tours reveal – snow!, result of a very humid spring in Iceland. Luckily, the snow sheet is not a persistent problem, and after two days we can start with our setup, right when some dust emission occurs. Eventually, during the next days we install a network consisting of 15 stations in the most promising source regions, as well as covering the southern outflow towards the Ocean. As also the black beaches act as dust sources, we also monitor Hjörleifshöfði and the adjacent beach, where we encounter already blowing sand and dust.