Our OPC network aims at revealing new perception on the way dust travels through the atmosphere when leaving the Dyngjusandur source area. For how long and far will it remain airborne? During the last week, we set up 18 stations at locations which we hope will provide us information on when, where, and how much dust is suspended in the air. Some are located directly where we observed dust emission, some are mounted in a somewhat near distance to the source, and some are placed some tens of kilometres away.
Although our station network setup looks quite ok already, we have the subliminal feeling that one station is still missing. One, that will measure dust escaping the river channel in a direction perpendicular to the bounding escarpment. A behaviour we observe in particular during easterly winds.
Eventually, A few days ago, we found a nice place for an OPC monitoring this dust transport behavior and today on our tour to the stations in the upper and middle Flæður region we found a ridge around 60 metres above the river bed perfectly suited for measuring airborne dust leaving the river bed dust source region towards the west when the wind blows from the east. We are looking forward to climb up the hill again in two days in order to receive the first recordings!