Dust, finally!

We are ready. The dust sources are getting ready. When will the wind finally arrive? Here it comes! Finally, we saw dust being actively emitted from exactly these spots we thought it will be emitted. It’s a relief. 

It’s blowing dust! Decent wind speeds and lots of sunshine during the last few days dried up parts of the potential dust sources.

However, although dust-wise we are heading towards the right direction, this blog post comes with a “but”. Paradise is still somewhat wet. Not seriously flooded, nor soaked wet, but wet enough preventing the top soil layer from drying up quickly (maybe we are a bit impatient, though). Looks like Paradise is not ready yet for the “perfect” dust event. “Be patient, it will blow soon” are the words of the day. On the other side, we had an extra day for calibration and mounting additional instruments. “Making the best out of it” is another set of words shared frequently. The weather forecast looks promising for the next days, so we expect blowing dust in Paradise somewhat soon.

Dust plumes passing by the main site in Paradise. Still a bit shy, but they will come closer soon, we are sure!